Upon uplifting the economically backward classes on par with the well-off sections, India will transform into an equitable society. The parity in all areas of life ensures overall well-being, the ultimate goal of effective governance. Similarly hard work, commitment, focussed approach and a strict code of conduct will ensure that DGO will grow into a large enterprise to promote good works across India. The organisation is expected to inspire other countries to start similar idea-based organisations on their soil. Doing good works is bound to become a way of life for all inhabiting the planet earth, thereby ushering in a new world order where only good works matter.


Feedback is an important mechanism to enhance our performance in the social service sector. Constructive feedback that is specific, timely and based on observations, bridges theory and practice, apart from scaling up holistic competence in all of us working for the cause of social development. Email your feedback to getintouch@dogoodorg.in